The Sojourner’s dialogue, a poem by Faustina Anyanwu

The Sojourner’s dialogue by Faustina AnyanwuThe breeze of life is short
The life of growth is ageless
A heart of love is deep.
Where the heart of love dwells
Peace and trust are deeper than wells.
See the snows are white but never pure
Compared to the purity of a heart so true.

The snow is whiter
But the heart is brighter.
Beauty, white and bright
Purity remains most true.
White and purity.
Bright and Beauty.
All are gifts from He full of wisdom.

Are the gifts to be given or reserved,
Or must it be conserved and preserved?

Those who have eyes to see it.
Those who know it when they see it
Must these gifts be shown.

No! The gifts are shown to all.
God lets his rain pour on all.
Good, bad or wicked.
He redeemed and loved us all.
Even when He was rejected.

He came to redeem and save.
Those who yawn for freedom as slaves.
He humbled himself to become one with us.
In all things except in sin.

With eyes of love.
We look up above.
To him without sin.
In him we place our hope.
When we stand on rope.

Oh! that I may reap from the ripe trees.
And laugh myself to a lively sleepy sleep.
And for once my heart let the world be.
As I sleep my heart and soul
To the sweet sounds from birds and bees.

How would the world be ?
Does the heart hear?
No! Let the heart heat the cold world.
And the world wear the torn heart.

Tear not a heart as silent as a babe.
And as peaceful as a dove.
For my heart cherish but only love.

Tear and wear
So that you may
Mend and tear no more.

May I never wear a torn heart.
For to tear and mend
Will only leave on a scar.

A scar is a symbol of history
Evoking the past
For one who has a past.
Teaching and telling what to never do
Reminding us where we came from
And where we are going to.

Where we are going to,
Only but love,
Patience and persistence,
Can take us.

Godspeed to the fair passenger.
Sweet dreams to the dreamer.
Well done to the hard worker.
Till journey, dream, and hard work embrace.
Then shall we fly to our destination.


(c) Faustina Anyanwu. All rights reserved 2011.