Faustina Anyanwu delivers a speech on exporting African culture at the Tropics Magazine business summit, in South Africa via video conferencing.
Mental Health: Every Woman Struggles in Pregnancy and birth
“Not many people have asked if I’m ok … it’s a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes.” Meghan reveals to ITV’s Tom Bradby the intense media spotlight has left her struggling to cope while becoming a mum in the #HarryAndMeghan Royal African Tour.
Every woman struggles during pregnancy and childbirth. Becoming a wife puts huge stress on women, adjusting to the new role and new home/environment/system takes a toll on her, without enough love and reassurance, most women crumble with the weight of this role. Unfortunately, this type of stress – mental and emotional stress are some of the rarely talked about yet most devastating form of mental health issue.
Motherhood is one of the most joyous yet, most demanding experience any woman could have. Yes, it’s exciting but also draining – emotionally and physically. Every new mum needs lots of support, love and care to be able to navigate those delicate times.
Postnatal depression is real. Some may end as just a few days blues while others may go into full-blown clinical depression and some other clinical mental illnesses. Everyone’s coping ability is different and therefore no mother should be compared with any.
Becoming a mother could snap off your confidence, hit your career, your dreams and even your finances. It is a crucial moment for women – during pregnancy and childbirth, everyone around will have to give as much support as she can need.
That is why #mentalhealth awareness remains a priority for us at #divasofcolour and we encourage women to always #mindyourmind At the 2020 #Divasofcolourfest postnatal depression, post success syndrome, impostor syndrome, entrepreneurs mental health and more are some of the top topics we will be discussing.
Be sure to save the date and be there for the conference. Www.divasofcolour.com Get in touch with any questions, comments or get involved with this campaign. In my next presentation, I will be touching post-natal depression (Depression after birth).